

  1. 本文件/網頁內所載的資料及素材("該等素材")屬一般性質及只供參考,當中(如有)之:
    • 物業樓面面積資料(標示「*」者除外)未經核實。另外,由於物業樓面面積並沒有統一/普遍採納的定義, 閣下應於購買/租賃前親自視察物業及自行量度樓面面積,並應就樓面面積資料尋求法律及/或專業意見;
    • 標示「*」的用途資料僅為有關物業的入伙紙發出之日的許可用途,而其餘用途沒有標示「*」的物業由於沒有/尚未發出入伙紙,其許可用途無法被核實。除入伙紙外,有關的政府批地書及/或公契可能載有限制物業的特定用途的條文。閣下應於購買/租賃前就物業擬作的特定用途尋求法律及/或專業意見;
    • 閣仔及/或閣樓資料(標示「*」者除外),由於有關物業沒有入伙紙/已發出入伙紙但沒有顯示有閣仔及/或閣樓,因此有關閣仔及/或閣樓的合法性無法被核實。如閣仔及/或閣樓屬違例建築工程,購買或租賃存有違例閣仔及/或閣樓的物業需承擔風險,例如政府可行使收回土地權、物業的安全問題、物業可遭封閉及銀行或拒絕提供融資等。閣下應於購買/租賃前就閣仔/閣樓的合法性尋求法律及/或專業意見;
    • 物業資料基於製作本文件/網頁之日可知之資訊來源為依據,未必能夠反映其最新發展,一切以業主及/或官方最後表述為準;
    • 地圖、平面圖、規劃圖等不是按實際比例製作,其準確性及真實性以官方紀錄為準;
    • 成交資料來源為土地註冊處及本公司及/或本集團之數據。鑑於簽署買賣合約至遞交到土地註冊處註冊登記需時,每月註冊個案一般主要反映前一個月市況,屬臨時數字,日後或將根據土地註冊處的買賣登記個案而作出修訂,一切應以土地註冊處所提供資料為準。
  2. 在擬備該等素材時,雖已作出合理謹慎措施,但本公司及/或本集團的任何成員不會就該等素材之完整性、準確性、及時性及可靠性,或該等素材適合某特定用途,作出任何形式的陳述或保證(不論是明示或隱含的)。 "本集團"指(i) 本公司; (ii)本公司之任何控股公司、附屬公司及/或相聯公司; (iii) 其他與本公司屬同一集團的公司及; (iv) 在上述(i)、(ii) 及/或(iii)內提及的任何公司的董事、人員及僱員。
  3. 該等素材基於該等素材首次發佈之日可知之資訊來源及以"現狀"為依據,未必能夠反映其最新發展。上述的資訊來源未經本集團之任何成員所核實。該等素材可能會在沒有事先通知的情況下被更改,而本集團之任何成員並未有任何責任更新或修改該等素材。該等素材可能含有由第三方所提供的資料或素材,涵載上述的資料或素材不應被理解為本集團之任何成員對其核准或認可,或本集團之任何成員與上述第三方有任何關聯。
  4. 為方便查閱由第三者或通過第三者提供的資料,本網頁提供或協助提供超連結至外界網站。提供或協助提供該等由本網頁第三者所給予的資料或外界網站超連結,並不會就本網頁或外界網站內資料之完整性、準確性、及時性及可靠性,或該等資料適合某特定用途,構成任何形式的陳述或保證(不論是明示或隱含的);對任何因使用或不當使用或不能使用或依據由或通過本網頁傳遞或提供的任何該等資料之內容或外界網站的資料之內容而引致或所涉及的損失、毀壞或損害(包括但不限於相應而生的損失、毀壞或損害),本集團之每位成員概不承擔任何法律責任、義務或責任。若閣下之網站連結至本網頁,本公司保留最終權利要求移除連結。
  5. 本集團之每位成員在法律容許的最大限度下,聲明免除任何由(i)該等素材;(ii)使用或不當使用或倚賴該等素材或其任何部分;(iii)該等素材內的任何錯誤、遺漏或錯誤陳述; 及/或(iv)任何人因使用或錯誤使用或倚賴該等素材或其任何部分而作出的行為或不作為所引致,或與其有關連的任何損失或損害的任何及所有責任(不論是在侵權法、合同法或其他法規下的責任)。本集團之任何成員並不接受或承擔任何上述事項所引致的損失或損害而招致的責任。
  6. 該等素材並非亦不應被視作為本集團之任何成員的意見或見解。該等素材並非擬作提供或取代任何專業或投資意見,亦不應被視作任何專業或投資意見。在作出任何交易決定前,請核實該等素材之準確性,及尋求適當之專業意見。任何使用或倚賴該等素材須自負風險。本集團之任何成員並非提供任何金融或投資意見,及該等素材亦不可被視為推介、邀約或游說出售或購買任何產品、證券、投資、物業、服務及/或構成任何合約之任何部份;
  7. 如未有取得本公司的書面事先同意,該等素材或其任何部分不可以任何形式或方式被複製、派發或轉交予任何人。
  8. 如此免責聲明及"該等素材"英文版本與中文版本有任何歧義、矛盾或牴觸之處,將以英文版本為準。


Midland Realty (Comm. & Ind. II) Limited
Midland Realty (Comm. & Ind. III) Limited
(collectively called the “Company”)


  1. The information and materials contained in this document/website (the "Materials") including, inter alia, the followings (if any), are general in nature and for reference only:
    • The floor area information of such premises (save and except those marked with 「*」) has not been verified. Moreover, as there is no standardized or commonly adopted definition of floor area, you should inspect the premises and take measurements yourself and seek legal and/or professional advice in relation to the floor area information before purchase/leasing.
    • the information of permitted use marked with 「*」 relates to the permitted use as at the date of the issuance of the occupation permit (“OP”) of the relevant premises. The permitted use of other premises without marking with 「*」 cannot be verified as no OP has been issued in respect of these premises. Apart from OP, the relevant Government Grant and/or the Deed of Mutual Covenant may contain provisions restricting the use of the premises for specific purpose(s). You should seek legal and/or professional advice in relation to the intended specific use of the premises before purchase/leasing.
    • The legality of the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor (save and except those marked with 「*」) cannot be verified because the relevant OP does not reveal that the relevant premises has a cockloft and/or mezzanine floor or no OP has been issued in respect of the relevant premises. Purchasing or renting premises where the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor is unauthorized building works faces the risks such as the Government’s exercising its right of re-entry, safety problems in the premises, closure of the premises and bank’s refusal of finance the purchase of the premises. You should seek legal and/or professional advice on the legality of the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor before making any purchase or leasing decision.
    • properties’ information is provided on an "as-is" basis and from sources available as at the date of preparation of this document/website, may not reflect latest developments and shall be subject to the owners’ and/or the official final representation;
    • maps, floor plans and layout plans etc. are not drawn to scale and their accuracy and truth shall be subject to official records;
    • source of transaction information originates from the Land Registry and date of the Company and/or the Group. As there is usually a time lag between the execution of agreements for sale and purchase and their lodgment for registration at the Land Registry, the monthly registered cases generally reflect the market scenario of the preceding month and are provisional and might be adjusted thereafter according to the actual number of registered cases at the Land Registry. Their accuracy shall be subject to the information provided by the Land Registry;
  2. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing the Materials, no representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) is made by the Company and/or any member of the Group as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness and reliability of the Materials or that the Materials are fit for a particular purpose. The Group shall mean (i) the Company; (ii) any holding, subsidiary and/or associate company of the Company; (iii) other companies within the same group of companies as the Company; and (iv) the directors, officers and employees of any company mentioned in (i), (ii) and/or (iii) above.
  3. The Materials are provided on an "as-is" basis and from sources available as at the date of the first publication of the Materials which may not reflect latest developments, and such sources have not been verified by any member of the Group. The Materials are subject to change without prior notice and no member of the Group shall be under any obligation to update or change the Materials. The Materials may contain information or materials from third parties and inclusion of such information or materials shall not be construed as any approval or endorsement thereof by any member of the Group or any affiliation between any member of the Group and any such third parties.
  4. To facilitate access to information provided by or via third parties, this website provides or assists in providing links to external websites. Provision of, or assistance in providing, information contributed by third parties on this website or links to external websites gives rise to no representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability of the information located on this website or the external websites, or that such information are fit for a particular purpose. Each member of the Group will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on the contents of any such information or external websites delivered on or via this website or inability to use any of them. If you link to our website we may require you at any time at our absolute discretion to remove the link.
  5. Each member of the Group disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any and all liability (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with (i) the Materials; (ii) the use or misuse of or reliance of the Materials or any part thereof; (iii) any error, omission or misstatement in the Materials; and/or (iv) any act or omission made by any person as a result of the use or misuse of or reliance of the Materials or any part thereof. No member of the Group shall accept or have any liability for any loss or damage in respect of any of the aforesaid matters.
  6. The Materials are not and shall not be considered as the advice or opinion of any member of the Group. The Materials are not intended to provide or substitute any professional or investment advice and shall not be construed as any professional or investment advice. Please verify the accuracy of the Materials and seek appropriate professional advice before making any decision on any transaction. Any use of or reliance on the Materials shall be at your own risk. No financial or investment advice is provided by any member of the Group and the Materials are not recommendation, offer to sell or purchase, or solicitation of any offer to sell or purchase any product, securities, investment, property, services and/or form any contract of sale and purchase or any part thereof.
  7. The Materials shall not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any person, in whole or in part, or in any form or manner, without the express prior written consent of the Company.
  8. In the event of any ambiguity, conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version in this disclaimer and the Materials, the English version shall prevail

By viewing the Materials, you unconditionally agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.



  1. 本文件/網頁內所載的資料及素材("該等素材")屬一般性質及只供參考,當中(如有)之:
    • 物業樓面面積資料(標示「*」者除外)未經核實。另外,由於物業樓面面積並沒有統一/普遍採納的定義, 閣下應於購買/租賃前親自視察物業及自行量度樓面面積,並應就樓面面積資料尋求法律及/或專業意見;
    • 標示「*」的用途資料僅為有關物業的入伙紙發出之日的許可用途,而其餘用途沒有標示「*」的物業由於沒有/尚未發出入伙紙,其許可用途無法被核實。除入伙紙外,有關的政府批地書及/或公契可能載有限制物業的特定用途的條文。閣下應於購買/租賃前就物業擬作的特定用途尋求法律及/或專業意見;
    • 閣仔及/或閣樓資料(標示「*」者除外),由於有關物業沒有入伙紙/已發出入伙紙但沒有顯示有閣仔及/或閣樓,因此有關閣仔及/或閣樓的合法性無法被核實。如閣仔及/或閣樓屬違例建築工程,購買或租賃存有違例閣仔及/或閣樓的物業需承擔風險,例如政府可行使收回土地權、物業的安全問題、物業可遭封閉及銀行或拒絕提供融資等。閣下應於購買/租賃前就閣仔/閣樓的合法性尋求法律及/或專業意見;
    • 物業資料基於製作本文件/網頁之日可知之資訊來源為依據,未必能夠反映其最新發展,一切以業主及/或官方最後表述為準;
    • 地圖、平面圖、規劃圖等不是按實際比例製作,其準確性及真實性以官方紀錄為準;
    • 成交資料來源為土地註冊處及本公司及/或本集團之數據。鑑於簽署買賣合約至遞交到土地註冊處註冊登記需時,每月註冊個案一般主要反映前一個月市況,屬臨時數字,日後或將根據土地註冊處的買賣登記個案而作出修訂,一切應以土地註冊處所提供資料為準。
  2. 在擬備該等素材時,雖已作出合理謹慎措施,但本公司及/或本集團的任何成員不會就該等素材之完整性、準確性、及時性及可靠性,或該等素材適合某特定用途,作出任何形式的陳述或保證(不論是明示或隱含的)。 "本集團"指(i) 本公司; (ii)本公司之任何控股公司、附屬公司及/或相聯公司; (iii) 其他與本公司屬同一集團的公司及; (iv) 在上述(i)、(ii) 及/或(iii)內提及的任何公司的董事、人員及僱員。
  3. 該等素材基於該等素材首次發佈之日可知之資訊來源及以"現狀"為依據,未必能夠反映其最新發展。上述的資訊來源未經本集團之任何成員所核實。該等素材可能會在沒有事先通知的情況下被更改,而本集團之任何成員並未有任何責任更新或修改該等素材。該等素材可能含有由第三方所提供的資料或素材,涵載上述的資料或素材不應被理解為本集團之任何成員對其核准或認可,或本集團之任何成員與上述第三方有任何關聯。
  4. 為方便查閱由第三者或通過第三者提供的資料,本網頁提供或協助提供超連結至外界網站。提供或協助提供該等由本網頁第三者所給予的資料或外界網站超連結,並不會就本網頁或外界網站內資料之完整性、準確性、及時性及可靠性,或該等資料適合某特定用途,構成任何形式的陳述或保證(不論是明示或隱含的);對任何因使用或不當使用或不能使用或依據由或通過本網頁傳遞或提供的任何該等資料之內容或外界網站的資料之內容而引致或所涉及的損失、毀壞或損害(包括但不限於相應而生的損失、毀壞或損害),本集團之每位成員概不承擔任何法律責任、義務或責任。若閣下之網站連結至本網頁,本公司保留最終權利要求移除連結。
  5. 本集團之每位成員在法律容許的最大限度下,聲明免除任何由(i)該等素材;(ii)使用或不當使用或倚賴該等素材或其任何部分;(iii)該等素材內的任何錯誤、遺漏或錯誤陳述; 及/或(iv)任何人因使用或錯誤使用或倚賴該等素材或其任何部分而作出的行為或不作為所引致,或與其有關連的任何損失或損害的任何及所有責任(不論是在侵權法、合同法或其他法規下的責任)。本集團之任何成員並不接受或承擔任何上述事項所引致的損失或損害而招致的責任。
  6. 該等素材並非亦不應被視作為本集團之任何成員的意見或見解。該等素材並非擬作提供或取代任何專業或投資意見,亦不應被視作任何專業或投資意見。在作出任何交易決定前,請核實該等素材之準確性,及尋求適當之專業意見。任何使用或倚賴該等素材須自負風險。本集團之任何成員並非提供任何金融或投資意見,及該等素材亦不可被視為推介、邀約或游說出售或購買任何產品、證券、投資、物業、服務及/或構成任何合約之任何部份;
  7. 如未有取得本公司的書面事先同意,該等素材或其任何部分不可以任何形式或方式被複製、派發或轉交予任何人。
  8. 如此免責聲明及"該等素材"英文版本與中文版本有任何歧義、矛盾或牴觸之處,將以英文版本為準。


Midland Realty (Comm.) Limited
(the “Company”)


  1. The information and materials contained in this document/website (the "Materials") including, inter alia, the followings (if any), are general in nature and for reference only:
    • The floor area information of such premises (save and except those marked with 「*」) has not been verified. Moreover, as there is no standardized or commonly adopted definition of floor area, you should inspect the premises and take measurements yourself and seek legal and/or professional advice in relation to the floor area information before purchase/leasing.
    • the information of permitted use marked with 「*」 relates to the permitted use as at the date of the issuance of the occupation permit (“OP”) of the relevant premises. The permitted use of other premises without marking with 「*」 cannot be verified as no OP has been issued in respect of these premises. Apart from OP, the relevant Government Grant and/or the Deed of Mutual Covenant may contain provisions restricting the use of the premises for specific purpose(s). You should seek legal and/or professional advice in relation to the intended specific use of the premises before purchase/leasing.
    • The legality of the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor (save and except those marked with 「*」) cannot be verified because the relevant OP does not reveal that the relevant premises has a cockloft and/or mezzanine floor or no OP has been issued in respect of the relevant premises. Purchasing or renting premises where the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor is unauthorized building works faces the risks such as the Government’s exercising its right of re-entry, safety problems in the premises, closure of the premises and bank’s refusal of finance the purchase of the premises. You should seek legal and/or professional advice on the legality of the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor before making any purchase or leasing decision.
    • properties’ information is provided on an "as-is" basis and from sources available as at the date of preparation of this document/website, may not reflect latest developments and shall be subject to the owners’ and/or the official final representation;
    • maps, floor plans and layout plans etc. are not drawn to scale and their accuracy and truth shall be subject to official records;
    • source of transaction information originates from the Land Registry and date of the Company and/or the Group. As there is usually a time lag between the execution of agreements for sale and purchase and their lodgment for registration at the Land Registry, the monthly registered cases generally reflect the market scenario of the preceding month and are provisional and might be adjusted thereafter according to the actual number of registered cases at the Land Registry. Their accuracy shall be subject to the information provided by the Land Registry;
  2. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing the Materials, no representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) is made by the Company and/or any member of the Group as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness and reliability of the Materials or that the Materials are fit for a particular purpose. The Group shall mean (i) the Company; (ii) any holding, subsidiary and/or associate company of the Company; (iii) other companies within the same group of companies as the Company; and (iv) the directors, officers and employees of any company mentioned in (i), (ii) and/or (iii) above.
  3. The Materials are provided on an "as-is" basis and from sources available as at the date of the first publication of the Materials which may not reflect latest developments, and such sources have not been verified by any member of the Group. The Materials are subject to change without prior notice and no member of the Group shall be under any obligation to update or change the Materials. The Materials may contain information or materials from third parties and inclusion of such information or materials shall not be construed as any approval or endorsement thereof by any member of the Group or any affiliation between any member of the Group and any such third parties.
  4. To facilitate access to information provided by or via third parties, this website provides or assists in providing links to external websites. Provision of, or assistance in providing, information contributed by third parties on this website or links to external websites gives rise to no representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability of the information located on this website or the external websites, or that such information are fit for a particular purpose. Each member of the Group will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on the contents of any such information or external websites delivered on or via this website or inability to use any of them. If you link to our website we may require you at any time at our absolute discretion to remove the link.
  5. Each member of the Group disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any and all liability (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with (i) the Materials; (ii) the use or misuse of or reliance of the Materials or any part thereof; (iii) any error, omission or misstatement in the Materials; and/or (iv) any act or omission made by any person as a result of the use or misuse of or reliance of the Materials or any part thereof. No member of the Group shall accept or have any liability for any loss or damage in respect of any of the aforesaid matters.
  6. The Materials are not and shall not be considered as the advice or opinion of any member of the Group. The Materials are not intended to provide or substitute any professional or investment advice and shall not be construed as any professional or investment advice. Please verify the accuracy of the Materials and seek appropriate professional advice before making any decision on any transaction. Any use of or reliance on the Materials shall be at your own risk. No financial or investment advice is provided by any member of the Group and the Materials are not recommendation, offer to sell or purchase, or solicitation of any offer to sell or purchase any product, securities, investment, property, services and/or form any contract of sale and purchase or any part thereof.
  7. The Materials shall not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any person, in whole or in part, or in any form or manner, without the express prior written consent of the Company.
  8. In the event of any ambiguity, conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version in this disclaimer and the Materials, the English version shall prevail

By viewing the Materials, you unconditionally agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.



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Midland Realty (Shops II) Limited
(the “Company”)


  1. The information and materials contained in this document/website (the "Materials") including, inter alia, the followings (if any), are general in nature and for reference only:
    • The floor area information of such premises (save and except those marked with 「*」) has not been verified. Moreover, as there is no standardized or commonly adopted definition of floor area, you should inspect the premises and take measurements yourself and seek legal and/or professional advice in relation to the floor area information before purchase/leasing.
    • the information of permitted use marked with 「*」 relates to the permitted use as at the date of the issuance of the occupation permit (“OP”) of the relevant premises. The permitted use of other premises without marking with 「*」 cannot be verified as no OP has been issued in respect of these premises. Apart from OP, the relevant Government Grant and/or the Deed of Mutual Covenant may contain provisions restricting the use of the premises for specific purpose(s). You should seek legal and/or professional advice in relation to the intended specific use of the premises before purchase/leasing.
    • The legality of the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor (save and except those marked with 「*」) cannot be verified because the relevant OP does not reveal that the relevant premises has a cockloft and/or mezzanine floor or no OP has been issued in respect of the relevant premises. Purchasing or renting premises where the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor is unauthorized building works faces the risks such as the Government’s exercising its right of re-entry, safety problems in the premises, closure of the premises and bank’s refusal of finance the purchase of the premises. You should seek legal and/or professional advice on the legality of the cockloft and/or mezzanine floor before making any purchase or leasing decision.
    • properties’ information is provided on an "as-is" basis and from sources available as at the date of preparation of this document/website, may not reflect latest developments and shall be subject to the owners’ and/or the official final representation;
    • maps, floor plans and layout plans etc. are not drawn to scale and their accuracy and truth shall be subject to official records;
    • source of transaction information originates from the Land Registry and date of the Company and/or the Group. As there is usually a time lag between the execution of agreements for sale and purchase and their lodgment for registration at the Land Registry, the monthly registered cases generally reflect the market scenario of the preceding month and are provisional and might be adjusted thereafter according to the actual number of registered cases at the Land Registry. Their accuracy shall be subject to the information provided by the Land Registry;
  2. Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparing the Materials, no representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) is made by the Company and/or any member of the Group as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness and reliability of the Materials or that the Materials are fit for a particular purpose. The Group shall mean (i) the Company; (ii) any holding, subsidiary and/or associate company of the Company; (iii) other companies within the same group of companies as the Company; and (iv) the directors, officers and employees of any company mentioned in (i), (ii) and/or (iii) above.
  3. The Materials are provided on an "as-is" basis and from sources available as at the date of the first publication of the Materials which may not reflect latest developments, and such sources have not been verified by any member of the Group. The Materials are subject to change without prior notice and no member of the Group shall be under any obligation to update or change the Materials. The Materials may contain information or materials from third parties and inclusion of such information or materials shall not be construed as any approval or endorsement thereof by any member of the Group or any affiliation between any member of the Group and any such third parties.
  4. To facilitate access to information provided by or via third parties, this website provides or assists in providing links to external websites. Provision of, or assistance in providing, information contributed by third parties on this website or links to external websites gives rise to no representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability of the information located on this website or the external websites, or that such information are fit for a particular purpose. Each member of the Group will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) however arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on the contents of any such information or external websites delivered on or via this website or inability to use any of them. If you link to our website we may require you at any time at our absolute discretion to remove the link.
  5. Each member of the Group disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any and all liability (whether in tort, contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with (i) the Materials; (ii) the use or misuse of or reliance of the Materials or any part thereof; (iii) any error, omission or misstatement in the Materials; and/or (iv) any act or omission made by any person as a result of the use or misuse of or reliance of the Materials or any part thereof. No member of the Group shall accept or have any liability for any loss or damage in respect of any of the aforesaid matters.
  6. The Materials are not and shall not be considered as the advice or opinion of any member of the Group. The Materials are not intended to provide or substitute any professional or investment advice and shall not be construed as any professional or investment advice. Please verify the accuracy of the Materials and seek appropriate professional advice before making any decision on any transaction. Any use of or reliance on the Materials shall be at your own risk. No financial or investment advice is provided by any member of the Group and the Materials are not recommendation, offer to sell or purchase, or solicitation of any offer to sell or purchase any product, securities, investment, property, services and/or form any contract of sale and purchase or any part thereof.
  7. The Materials shall not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted to any person, in whole or in part, or in any form or manner, without the express prior written consent of the Company.
  8. In the event of any ambiguity, conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version in this disclaimer and the Materials, the English version shall prevail

By viewing the Materials, you unconditionally agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.